You may remember that I am on a road trip with my love and two dogs. The reasons for the trip included a niece’s wedding, attempted book tour, and a general itch to travel and be out of our cozy (read: small) house. The first part of the journey included exploring parts of northern New Mexico and Arizona (with a trek to Tucson as well). El Malpais National Monument, El Morro National Monument, the Grand Canyon (South Rim) were just a few of the amazing stops. This was fantastic. I love exploring nature and allowing my curiosity to guide the wonder.

Once we arrived in California for the wedding, we launched the “catching up with friends” visits. This has been an entertaining and exhausting gauntlet for two introverts. LOL Seriously, I absolutely love and adore my friends, and am definitely not used to so much social time. We have even squeezed two different visits into a single day. If you could see me now, you would see the smile on my face, and the bags under my eyes. What a great trip.

I can’t say that it has been much of a book tour, but I will take the moments. Getting the word out can be slow going, but I absolutely love when people express their love for or enjoyment of Return to Star Junction. My heart lights up every single time.

Also, I haven’t been doing the writing I planned. Procrastination is made easier without a set schedule. But, I have assured friends that book two will be available this year…so I better get writing.

What have I learned from the road trip? 1. There are so many amazing places to explore. 2. I might be better suited to spending longer in each location (unless, of course, there is a good reason to leave early). 3. I love meeting people and watching people interact with our two (adorable) dogs, Lucy & Fizzy. Especially when they learn that the dogs have their own blogs on Instagram and Facebook.

Anyway, we have another week or two on this trip. I’m announcing this goal here: a couple more chapters will be written in this time. Happy travels!