Why bother?

I get at least 15 emails a day telling me how to write stories, how to publish, how to ‘sell yourself’, how to get a web presence… Seriously. This publishing and selling stories thing is a mind blower. I am going to be 68 in a week, I don’t have time to learn all this new stuff. All I want to do is write stories. Lucky for me I’m a part of a fantabulous writing/publishing group, Scribe Hive Publishing. If it weren’t for them, these stories of mine, and all the various characters, would be locked away never to be seen by anyone else but me. And that’s not the point of writing stories, is it? The point is to share them with people.

The publishing industry is going through some big shifts. The top publishing houses are changing hands, agents are hard to come by, and even if you find an agent you still need to sell yourself as they don’t do much of that anymore. I have a really hard time doing that. I don’t put myself out there to sell stories. It’s not my thang. I have begun the unsubscribing process for all those unwanted emails telling me how to write and how to sell more books. I am becoming totally dependent on our little co-op and I am perfectly okay with this. We’ve got our editors, who are extremely patient with my ignorance of all things computer; a formatter and cover designer; and the founder of our little group who manages the blog, publishing posts, walks me through self- publishing and holds my hand through tough times. I also have my sweet husband who will NOT let me quit.

In other words, it takes a village my friend. Don’t give up, find a writing group, or at least one other person who you can vent to, rely on, who backs you up no matter what. And who you can be there for when they need a shoulder to cry on. So, why bother? That’s why. Friends, family, community, and stories that need to be told.  

Thanks for reading!

E.L. Winters