We’ve all heard the saying, “For everything there is a season…” yada yada yada. Farmers have learned to let a field lie fallow between crops, to allow the soil to rejuvenate itself. And yet, we humans push ourselves until our bodies force us to rest. Last weekend I was fortunate enough to go to a writer’s convention with three of my Scribe Hive mates. I found that the convention attendees were not my target audience, that it was way too hot and humid to venture outside and explore, and the popularity of several of the other writers there made me flashback to high school where I was not among the popular crowd.
However, I also discovered I truly love my fellow Hive mates dearly as they are an amazingly supportive, talented, and kind bunch. I found I was truly happy for the “Popular” writers as they had obviously found their niche and their fans, and who doesn’t want that for their fellow writers, for anyone who is following their passion?
As I grow older, I find I want to support others in any way I can. Their success doesn’t take anything away from me. Especially as women, society tells us we are in competition with one another and that another’s success means failure for us. NOT TRUE! We need to build each other up, revel in and share the success of other women, and shout it from the rooftops, or social media, (although I am quite loud).

That was one takeaway from the conference. The other was I definitely need to lay low after a busy weekend. If I come home and get right back to work, I end up paying the price by getting sick. My daughters are grown and long gone from the house. My grandkids are practically grown. I am retired; I have all the free time I need. So, why do I feel like I have to be doing all the time? Another false belief our society forces on us. When given the opportunity, rest. Go out in nature. Escape in a good book (perhaps even one you recently bought from the author directly), or a good movie. Let those feed your imagination.
I have several stories brewing in the dark caverns of my mind. Am I going to force myself to sit at the laptop and write them down? Nope. Not yet. Soon, after I’ve rested, when the field is rejuvenated.
As I’m typing this I am awaiting the launch of MythAligned, the second Autumn Grove Tale. It will be released July 5th on Amazon in Kindle and paperback. You can click on the book cover to order!

~E.L. Winters