I want to talk about a paradox. The paradox of life to be exact. We come into life with awe and amazement. Or, dread and “oh crap what did I get myself into!” As a mother of two, I have seen this look on each of my child’s faces. I laugh to myself knowing all too well that we both signed up for this. And when we signed up for this life, it seemed at the time to be sound and reasonable. Alas, at the time of creating this Life Chart, we were in a state of bliss, and had “forgotten” about all this lower energy we have to deal with.
Then, we get down here, and yes, we descend in energy a heck of a lot when we come into a new temporal body. Coming down and “waking up” in a new body inside the womb, we are actually in bliss for some time. Especially if we are wanted and the home environment outside of our Mom is happy and healthy. Hormones get exchanged and our soul has a very specific time to be born. Whether the Mom had a whole orchestrated birth plan or not, the soul inside her decides when. There is never too early or too late. It is always right on divine time.
How is this delicate dance of creation always in motion? Magdalene calls it The Fractal of Life. My other Spirit Guide Walter who is a well learned mystic himself calls it the Chaos Fractal of Change. If you zoom in into your life, you are a fractal of the universe. A fractal is a small piece of the ultimate design. You zoom out there is an infinite upon infinite amount fractals.
It is easy to get lost in this paradox of life, feeling like you are spinning in an eternal spiral. How do we keep centered on our individual fractal, to impact the whole of humanity?
I spend a lot of time in discussion about this with my team. The answer always starts with Magdalene bringing in her teaching of the Sovereignty Pillars.
The Sovereignty Pillars is the original teaching brought to me by Mary Magdalene when I was about nine years old, two years after I began channeling. She originally came to me declaring “I am here to be a guide of your deeper metaphysical teachings and to help support you in fulfilling a big destiny.”
She described the Sovereignty Pillars as a set of principles based on her discoveries from Hermetic and Kemetic learnings. They provide a personal sovereign code of conduct for supporting you in understanding this human incarnation. Then, in turn how to consciously know and fulfill your Divine Purpose. Here’s a brief description of each Pillar:
- Security Pillar: Understanding and continually learning about yourself. This pillar should change frequently if we are putting the work in. You can understand yourself by knowing your astrology, enneagram, personal spiritual practices, morals, ethics and so much more. And a big one, knowing your personal boundaries!!
- Trust Pillar: Finding your faith, trust, and truth in all areas of your life. Trusting in your intuition and internal guidance from your Spiritual Team. Knowing the Universe will deliver all that is meant for you in Divine Timing.
- Safety Pillar: Creating an environment around you where you are safe to share and discuss all of who you are. Including spiritual beliefs, practices, and truths. Creating a sense of safety to be open to discover more outside of your knowing, and to hear out others, if you are called to do so.
- Honor PIllar: The ability to hold space for yourself and others. Honoring all that you are, and the lessons you have achieved and still yet to learn. Learning to be in awe of the Divine.
Magdalene told me, “These Pillars are meant to serve as a guide for sovereign freedom, ultimate love, and soul life fulfillment by promoting consciousness, humbleness, and authenticity in interactions with oneself and others.”
To begin to understand your unique fractal, start with your Security Pillar!
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