What inspires you? As you can imagine, authors get asked that a lot. The question is often referring to the recent project. But inspiration isn’t limited to a project or a moment. Inspiration IS. Alive. Multidimensional. Multi-faceted. There are the sparks of ideas that light up our imaginations. You know the feeling when your eyes light up? Yeah. And then there is the opening. The opening happens when you allow that initial spark to grow. You let your curiosity or your playful side say “hmmm… what if?” And that opening allows the flow. Inspiration without flow means the sparks have nowhere to go.

For me, almost anything can inspire me. It is about approaching things, more specifically life, with curiosity. What do you see when you look at a tree? What don’t you see? What happens when you ask questions and bring in feelings and nuance? Sometimes inspiration comes from the act of intentional play. So, what inspires you?