Best Laid Plans

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, how many checklists we make, strategies we create, and positive thinking we cast, things go awry. There is just too much we don’t have control of. Like the weather and time and other people. As much as we think we should. ...
All of it. All at once.

All of it. All at once.

I’ve been embracing the whole “life is a journey/life is an adventure” motto for a long time. I’ve even been known to throw in a few “it’s all good” or “all part of the journey/learning.” This doesn’t mean...
Nashville or Bust

Nashville or Bust

Just over a year and a half ago we formed a writing group. Writing refugees from another. Within a month or two we were on a mission to help each other through the Self Publishing process, support each other in completing our projects, surviving the editing stage, and...
About Comfort

About Comfort

How important is it? We hear a lot about comfort. We all want a comfortable bed and comfortable shoes. We want to spend time with the people who already know and “get” us, and who we know and “get”. We tend towards tasks, goals, activities that...
The Best Plans

The Best Plans

You may remember that I am on a road trip with my love and two dogs. The reasons for the trip included a niece’s wedding, attempted book tour, and a general itch to travel and be out of our cozy (read: small) house. The first part of the journey included...