Slaying Dragons?

Slaying Dragons? Befriend them instead. While I’m the middle of writing two books at once, wait, I’ll go back. I just sent MythAligned, the sequel to MythMatched off to the developmental editor. Which for some that would mean a break right? No rest for the wicked,...
Awkward moment…

Awkward moment…

I had to tell my husband I’ve fallen in love with another man. Luckily for our marriage, the man is a character who showed up in today’s writing. And all I needed was a guy to make a third Witches Council member. He turned out to be a living, breathing,...
Halloween Treat

Halloween Treat

Someone asked me why I picked Halloween as my launch date for my new book, The Ghostwriter: A Story Of The Guild. Well, besides the obvious connection between Halloween and ghosts, I also wanted it released on Halloween because it is a very sacred day to me. The...
It’s MythMatched Launch Day!

It’s MythMatched Launch Day!

Well, today’s the day! My first book goes live on Kindle. This is exciting, without a doubt. But it’s also a bit scary. The imposter syndrome rears its ugly head at this point. “What if they don’t like it?” “What if people leave terrible reviews?” Blah blah blah… she...