Isabel, Awaken is launching March 16, 2024. Get ready to explore your Divine Feminine sovereignty!!

Seriously this book has taken a long time, many hair-pulling edits and me confronting Miss Prissy Pants to get polished and ready for others. Miss Prissy Pants is the name I’ve given my inner imposter who loves to tell me no one wants to read my work.

I tell you though. It’s surreal to have a book finally online with Amazon. I built a website too. I like the dark moody vibe of it and hope one day to offer the book for sale there and other swag.

I hope you read and enjoy my debut novel, Isabel, Awaken.

Isabel built her life on science–the logic, the structure, the clarity. A career physicist and a leading authority on climate change, Isa secured both success and her reputation. But something was missing. She knew without a doubt that science held all the answers, but she grew restless.

Then Jeremy Wade (JW) walked into her life and her life shifted on its axis. Magic flooded in, entangled in her life in ways she couldn’t use science to explain. Another side of Earth opened itself to her–pixies, sylphs, enchantments–leaving Isa baffled and confused. Nothing in her life had prepared her for this and nothing in science offered her any comfort. JW may be the answer if she can step out of her own way and let destiny weave magic and science into a new tapestry. Isa stands on a precipice of life; stay on the safe side or follow a man across the world for answers.

Come and enjoy Isabell, JW and Zoe, the Air Sylph, fast yachts, mayhem and the mysterious.

Available on Amazon as an eBook now with paperback released on March 16, 2024