Slaying Dragons? Befriend them instead. While I’m the middle of writing two books at once, wait, I’ll go back. I just sent MythAligned, the sequel to MythMatched off to the developmental editor. Which for some that would mean a break right? No rest for the wicked, isn’t that the saying? While the editor works on that sequel I’ve begun the rough draft to the sequel to The Ghostwriter, title: The Reliquarian. Okay, so, writing two books at once.
And the dragon you ask? The questions a writer asks themselves when their characters are quiet long enough for the writers own thoughts to be heard. Will anyone even read this? There are hundreds of books coming out every day! People don’t have time to read anymore, do they? And, even if they do read it, will they like it? Should I hire a marketing person to promote my books for me? Am I wasting my time? That last one, that’s the one that shook me out of my pity party. I LOVE writing. I love my characters. What else would I do with my time now that I’m retired? Every family member already has a handmade quilt, or three. They certainly don’t need anymore. Nope. Come here my little Dragon and tell me your story, perhaps I’ll write it down for you.