Well, today’s the day! My first book goes live on Kindle. This is exciting, without a doubt. But it’s also a bit scary. The imposter syndrome rears its ugly head at this point. “What if they don’t like it?” “What if people leave terrible reviews?” Blah blah blah… she rambles on. And yet, the excitement of this new adventure, this new title of “Published Author” is louder. Yes, this is the day when total strangers can buy my book and read it. I just hope that it does its job and helps the reader to recognize the magic that they believed in as children is alive and well and could be living right next door.
The print version will be released on amazon soon, and it will go wide in a couple of weeks. It’s been four years in the making and I’d have to say, even with all of the self doubts, the edits, and re-reads, the struggles with technology, and the hours upon hours spent at the keyboard – it’s definitely worth it. As the child of a librarian, I just can’t wait to hold my book in my hands, to study the cover, to flip through the pages. I hope the reader likes it, I hope that it even encourages others to get started on their own books. We all have a story, or more, inside of us. And no one can tell that story just like you. I mean, if this 67-year-old can be a first time published author, you can too.