Slaying Dragons?

Slaying Dragons? Befriend them instead. While I’m the middle of writing two books at once, wait, I’ll go back. I just sent MythAligned, the sequel to MythMatched off to the developmental editor. Which for some that would mean a break right? No rest for the wicked,...

Swag and the Indie Writer

I’m gearing up to go to UtopiaCon with most of the Scribe Hive in Nashville, TN in June. I’ve been making bookmarks, ordering stickers, setting up a pre-order, and trying to get Book 2 of my series ready. Part of the fun of being an independent writer is having full...
Road Trip Dreams

Road Trip Dreams

It’s another snowy Saturday and our Spring road trip planning feels even more important. I don’t know about you, but wintering is hard for me. I know, I know. Rest is important. Hibernation is helpful for most of us to regenerate energy and prepare for the...


As I continue the editing process with my newest editor’s notes and comments, I have noticed a valuable shift in my thought process. Initially with each different editor’s comments, I felt anguish. A strong word but it is totally how I felt. With the advent of the new...
Hi, I’m Crista!

Hi, I’m Crista!

Hi, I’m Crista! I have always been a seeker of Truth. Gnosis is what drives my day to day. So, how do I take my thirst for knowledge and turn it into something tangible? How can I help people find their soul purpose? I know that is my calling. But come on let’s...
Awkward moment…

Awkward moment…

I had to tell my husband I’ve fallen in love with another man. Luckily for our marriage, the man is a character who showed up in today’s writing. And all I needed was a guy to make a third Witches Council member. He turned out to be a living, breathing,...