Choosing Differently

Choosing Differently

Energetically the World is influx. I’ve let it get me down for the last few weeks. Health-wise, I have some issues, but I am working with a new doctor to get them handled and I am feeling better. This strange energy affected my writing as well. Despite my strong...
Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer

We are in the middle of the dog days of summer. Literally. I looked it up. This year, July 3 through August 11 are the days when Sirius is closest to the sun. And the dog days seem especially hot and miserable this year. My creativity has been fried to a crisp, or...
Seeking Inspiration in Faraway Lands

Seeking Inspiration in Faraway Lands

An author is always looking for inspiration. We spend at least part of our day dreaming. Sometimes we imagine fairies playing amongst the trees and bluebells. Sometimes we people-watch. Sometimes we dream about the future. Sometimes we walk the streets of old towns...

Lying Fallow

We’ve all heard the saying, “For everything there is a season…” yada yada yada. Farmers have learned to let a field lie fallow between crops, to allow the soil to rejuvenate itself. And yet, we humans push ourselves until our bodies force us to rest. Last weekend I...
The Perfect Con for Me

The Perfect Con for Me

How did I cure my imposter syndrome slash writer’s block? I attended a Fantasy Writer’s Conference held in Nashville Tennessee called UTOPiAcon. Sadly, it is the last year for this brilliant team to get together, and while I regret my late entrance to the event, I...

What’s your truth?

What is your Truth, with a capital T? Your big ultimate Truth? It is important to know this, as it relates to your Trust Pillar. (See my last blog post.) This brings me into a lot of questions I get. Was Magdalene a priestess of Isis? Did she come here from a far off...